Product Lineup

How to select Thermocouple Type

How to select thermocouple type

All types except Type K are custom-made.
We produce thermocouples having the tips in the type and size which meet your needs.
Please feel free to contact us.

Fast-Response Thermocouples

Ultra-fine thermocouples (Fine)

Excellent responsivity and high precision measurement due to small heat capacity.

Thermocouple with thin wires (13μm,25μm, or 50μm in diameter) connected to the sheathed lead wire.
Suitable for temperature measurement of fine areas or gases.

Ultra-fine thermocouple
A. Tip length (Std size)
Approx. 10 mm
C. Tip diameter (Std size) B. Tip width (Std size) Price
13μm Approx. 3 mm Contact for the price
Responsivity: ◎, Strength: △

Example: KFG-25-200-200

Type-K / Ultra-fine / Glass sheathed / Tip diameter 25μm / Sheathed lead wire diameter 200μm / Total length approx. 2m

Ultra-fine Thermocouples: Model No. and Specifications

Ultra-fine thin thermocouples (Fine-Sheet)

Suitable for surface temperature measurement of minute parts.

Thin tipped thermocouple based on the ultra-fine thermocouple.
Excellent in response and capable of high-precision measurement.

Ultra-fine thin thermocouple
A. Tip length (Std size)
Approx. 10 mm
C. Tip thickness (Std size) B. Tip width (Std size) Price
Approx. 10 μm Approx. 3 mm Contact for the price
Approx. 20 μm
Responsivity: ◎, Strength: △

Example: KFSG-10-200-200

Type-K / Ultra-fine thin / Glass sheathed / Tip thickness 10μm / Sheathed lead wire diameter 200μm / Total length approx. 2m

Ultra-Fine Thin Thermocouples: Model No. and Specifications

Ultra-thin thermocouples (Sheet)

Suitable for temperature measurement of plane, curved and other surfaces of the metal plates and other parts.

Thermocouples with only about 10mm thin tip (sheet type).
Excellent in response and durable due to their integrated structure.

Ultra-thin thermocouple
A. Tip length (Std size)
Approx. 10 mm
C. Tip thickness
(Std size)
B. Tip width
(Std size)
Sheathed lead wire diameter Price
Approx. 20 μm 2~3mm 100μm Contact for the price
Approx. 40 μm Approx. 3 mm 100μm
Approx. 60 μm 3~4mm 320μm
Responsivity: 〇, Strength: 〇

Example: KST-40-200-300

Type-K / Ultra-thin / Teflon sheathed / Tip thickness 40μm / Sheathed lead wire diameter 200μm / Total length approx. 3m

Ultra-Thin Thermocouples: Model No. and Specifications

Multi-purpose thermocouples (Multi-Purpose)

Most robust among all of our thermocouples.

With a non-spherical junction, the thermocouples provide a better response than conventional thermocouples.

Multi-purpose thermocouple
A. Tip length (Std size)
Approx. 10 mm
C. Tip diameter (Std size) B. Tip width (Std size) Price
100μm 2~3mm Contact for the price
320μm 3~4mm
Responsivity: △, Strength: ◎

Example: KMT-100-100-100

Type-K / Multi-purpose / Teflon sheathed / Tip diameter 100μm / Sheathed lead wire diameter 100μm / Total length approx. 1m

Multi-Purpose Thermocouples: Model No. and Specifications

Types and Features of Thermocouple Sheaths

Glass [G]

Low cost and easy to use. Can be used in a non- condensing environment.

Appearance Sheathed lead wire diameter (μm) Sheath approximate O.D. (mm) Flexibility Measurement range (°C) Code
Glass sheathed 100 0.8×1.2 Ambient
to 250
150 0.5
200 0.9
320 1.4
More details

Teflon [T]

Water proof and chemical resistant. Suitable for use in a cleanroom.Most flexible Teflon super fine wire and Teflon twisted wire with noise reduction are also available.

Appearance Sheathed lead wire diameter (μm) Sheath approximate O.D. (mm) Flexibility Measurement range (°C) Code
Teflon sheathed 100 0.8
200 0.9
320 1.0
More details

Teflon super fine [T(SF)]

Appearance Sheathed lead wire diameter (μm) Sheath approximate O.D. (mm) Flexibility Measurement range (°C) Code
Teflon super fine sheathed 100 0.42
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Teflon twist [T(TW)]

Appearance Sheathed lead wire diameter (μm) Sheath approximate O.D. (mm) Flexibility Measurement range (°C) Code
Teflon twisted wire sheathed 100 0.4
200 0.5
320 0.6
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Ceramic [C]

The most heat resistant sheath.

Appearance Sheathed lead wire diameter (μm) Sheath approximate O.D. (mm) Flexibility Measurement range (°C) Code
Ceramic sheathed 200 1.2
to 400
320 1.1
More details

Outer shield

Reduces noise.

Glass outer shield [G(OS)]

Appearance Sheathed lead wire diameter (μm) Sheath approximate O.D. (mm) Flexibility Measurement range (°C) Code
Glass outer shield 200 1.5
× Ambient
to 250

Teflon outer shield [T(OS)]

Appearance Sheathed lead wire diameter (μm) Sheath approximate O.D. (mm) Flexibility Measurement range (°C) Code
Teflon outer shield 200 1.5
× -200