Ultra-Thin Thermocouples: Model No. and Specifications

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Ultra-fine Thermocouples: Model No. and Specifications Ultra-Fine Thin Thermocouples: Model No. and Specifications Multi-Purpose Thermocouples: Model No. and Specifications

Model Nubber of Ultra-Thin Thermocouple (Excerpt)

This section describes a part of products.
We have the thermocouples with various shapes of tip, various types of coated wire, various total lengths, and many options.
We produce the perfect thermocouples which meet your (company’s) needs.
For more information, contact us.
For custom-made thermocouples, click here.
Tip thickness Sheath type Lead wire
Model No. Specifications details
Approx. 40 μm thickness Glass (G) 100 100 KSG-40-100-100 Specifications
200 100 KSG-40-200-100 Specifications
Teflon (T) 100 100 KST-40-100-100 Specifications
200 100 KST-40-200-100 Specifications
Teflon super fine
T (SF)
100 100 KST(SF)-40-100-100 Specifications
Ceramic (C) 200 100 KSC-40-200-100 Specifications
Approx. 60 μm thickness Ceramic (C) 320 100 KSC-60-320-100 Specifications